more sport quizzes >>
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- English Premier League club crests (2019-20)
- Name the clubs of the 2019-20 English Premier League by their crests.
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- Football teams alphabet game (2012-13)
- Name one team from the top four divisions of English football (Premier League + Football League 2012-13) for each letter of the alphabet (excluding J, K, U, V, X & Z) whose name begins with that letter.
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- English Premier League club crests (2019-20)
- Name the clubs of the 2019-20 English Premier League by their crests.
more geography quizzes >>
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- States of the U.S.A.
- Name all the 50 states of the United States of America!
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- Countries of Europe
- Can you name all the countries of Europe?
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- Japanese Prefectures Quiz
- Test your knowledge of Japanese geography! Type each of the names of the 47 prefectures to enter them onto the map.
more language quizzes >>
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- The alphabet
- Can you type the (latin/roman) alphabet in the time allowed?
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- NATO phonetic alphabet
- Name all the code words of the NATO phonetic alphabet (also know as the ICAO spelling alphabet or the international radiotelephony spelling alphabet).
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- The Greek alphabet
- Name the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet.
more music quizzes >>
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- Composers' pictures
- Name the composers from their pictures.
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- Composers' forenames
- Give the forenames of these famous composers.
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- Composers' nationality
- Enter the nationality of these composers.
more television quizzes >>
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- The Simpson family
- Name all the recurring characters from The Simpsons with the surname Simpson.
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- British sitcoms
- Name the top 15 British sitcoms (according to the 2004 BBC/ITV/Channel 4 poll) from these photos.
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- British police dramas
- Name the British police dramas that these pictures are taken from.
more miscellaneous quizzes >>
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- Car manufacturers' badges
- Name these car manufacturers from the photos of the badges they put on their cars.
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- Advertising slogans
- Name the brands represented by these famous advertising slogans.
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- RAF Officer Ranks
- This is a carry on from the first one
more film quizzes >>
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- Famous film quotations
- Name the films which contain these lines.
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- The Seven Dwarfs
- Can you name the Seven Dwarfs from Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
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- Pixar films
- Can you name all the feature films created by Pixar?
more history quizzes >>
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- US presidents
- Name the US presidents by the dates they took office.
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- Henry VIII's wives: 10 facts
- Answer the questions on Henry VIII's wives.
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- Roman numerals
- Give the values of these Roman numerals.
more science & tech quizzes >>
Science & Tech
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- Human heart
- Name the parts of the human heart labelled with black arrows.
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- Chemical elements with one-letter symbols
- Name the chemical elements with one-letter symbols.
more literature quizzes >>
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- Shakespeare plays
- Can you name all of the plays written by William Shakespeare?
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- Harry Potter books
- Can you name all the books in the "Harry Potter" series by J. K. Rowling?
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- Terry Pratchett Discworld novels
- Name the published Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett.
more maths quizzes >>
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- One times table
- Fill in the 1 x table.
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- Numbers in binary
- Enter the numbers 0 to 15 in binary
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- Prime numbers under 100
- Name the prime numbers less than 100.
more religion quizzes >>
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- The Twelve Olympian Gods
- Can you name the Twelve Olympian Gods from Greek mythology? Also included are the two gods often ommitted from the list of twelve, denoted with *.
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- Books of the Old Testament
- Name the books of the Catholic Old Testament.
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- Seven deadly sins
- Name the seven deadly sins of the Roman Catholic Church.
more entertainment quizzes >>
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- Guess the Legendary Pokemon
- Hello i like cheese
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- Monopoly board (UK)
- Name all the areas you can land on in the British version of Monopoly.
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- Name the Pokémon
- Name these Pokémon from their pictures.
more art quizzes >>
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- Famous paintings
- Name the painters of these famous painting.
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- Greek Muses
- Name the nine Muses from Greek mythology.
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- Self-portraits
- Name the artists who painted these self-portraits.