Film taglines 5
Name the films from their taglines.
You may give your answers in any order.
- Tagline
- Film
- Yer
- No mercy. No shame. No sequel.
- 2000
- Get an Afterlife.
- 1995
- Nothing is as simple as black and white.
- 1998
- Part mystery. Part thriller. Parts missing.
- 1999
- Evil has an upgrade.
- 2001
- Wanna date?
- 1990
- Good girls want him bad. Bad girls want him worse.
- 1990
- There is no gene for the human spirit.
- 1997
- Buy a bag, go home in a box.
- 1991
- What’s a little sex between friends?
- 1999
- Tagline
- Film
- Yer
- From zero to hero.
- 1994
- What the one doesn’t have, the other is missing.
- 1994
- One dream. Four Jamaicans. Twenty below zero.
- 1993
- (title) gives a D*A*M*N
- 1970
- Bernie may be dead, but he’s still the life of the party!
- 1989
- Love kills.
- 1986
- Vietnam can kill me, but it can’t make me care.
- 1987
- This Christmas, the snow hits the fan.
- 1994
- Sex. Clothes. Popularity. Is there a problem here?
- 1995
- He charges $10 but he’s willing to negotiate.
- 1999
Source / copyright information
- www.taglineguru.com/moviesurvey.html