- Question
- Answer
- There are [...] lobules in each testis.
- There are [...] seminiferous tubules in each lobule in the testis.
- What are the 3 layers of membranes which form the testicular capsule?
- The extension of the tunica [...] into the testis forms the pyramidal lobules which contain the seminiferous tubules.
- The extension of the tunica albuginea into the testis forms the pyramidal lobules which contain the [...].
- In which structure of the testis is sperm produced?
- What are the 2 cell types found in the seminiferous tubules of the testis?
- What is the cell type interspersed between the seminiferous lobules of the testis?
- The [...] barrier is formed of Sertoli cells and separates the lumen of the seminiferous tubules from the blood supply.
- [...] cells in the testes are linked with tight junctions and form the blood-testis barrier.
- Sertoli cells produce [...] proteins which facilitate the action of testosterone on spermatogonial cells.
- What are the 5 stages of spermatogenesis?
- The interval from the beginning of spermatogenesis to the release of mature spermatazoa into the lumen is [...] days.
- In the testes, the seminiferous tubules empty into a network of ducts called the [...].
- In the testes, the rete testis empties into a single duct called the [...].
- From the epididymis, the spermatazoa enter the [...] and then the [...].
- The ejaculatory ducts terminate in the [...] urethra.
- At which stage of spermatogenesis is there a repackaging from a rounded shape to an elongated shape?
- 1° and 2° spermatocytes divide by m[...]sis.
- Do spermatozoa contain cytoplasm?
- What is the appearance of a spermatozoon’s nucleus?
- Semen has an [...] pH.
- Is the immune system tolerant of spermatozoal Ag?
- Spermatogonial stem cells divide through m[...]sis to eventually form resting 1° spermatocytes.
- Which step of the mitotic division of spermatogonial stem cells is not complete and what does this result in?
- Spermatogonial stem cells divide through mitosis multiple times, eventually forming a syncitium of [...].
- 1° spermatocytes divide through meiosis into [...].
- 2° spermatocytes divide through meiosis into [...].
- Until which stage of spermatogenesis are cells organized in syncytia, joined together by cytoplasmic bridges?
- Spermatids differentiate and remodel themselves into [...].
- Does the spermatozoal genome contain histones?
- In spermatozoa, histones are replaced by [...].
- What effect do protamines have on chromatin condensation and gene expression?
- Is spermatogenesis intermittent or continuous?
- Does spermatogenesis take a constant amount of time?
- The [...] cells in the seminiferous tubules are sensitive to temperature.
- Spermatogonial stem cells are [...]ploid ([...]N).
- 1° spermatocytes are [...]ploid ([...]N).
- 2° spermatocytes are [...]ploid ([...]N).
- Spermatids are [...]ploid ([...]N).
- Spermatozoa are [...]ploid ([...]N).